Google Maps will soon debut an extremely helpful feature we've all been waiting for

We've all been in a situation where you're headed to an unfamiliar part of town or a city you've never been to. Not only is it challenging to navigate around streets you don't know, but what happens when your GPS says "you've arrived?!" You're there in front of the building or restaurant or office or venue but there's no parking in that busy location.

Google Maps newest feature, currently being rolled out in beta, will also offer suggestions for the best places to park in the area they've just helped you navigate to.

According to the screenshots, available on Mashable, a small "P" icon will display indicating the likelihood that you'll find parking at that location - either easy, medium or hard. For example, "Parking is usually limited near this destination."

Mashable is reporting that the new feature is included in the latest beta version of Maps.

Though the app won't currently be able to point you to an actual open spot on the street or in a lot, that functionality is probably not far behind. The Waze app (also owned by Google) has a similar function, geared mostly towards finding parking lots.

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