Do These 12 Words Make You Cringe?

There's a handful of words that have a reputation for making people shudder or cringe.

Buzzfeed just did a survey on a bunch of those words and found how many people say they CRINGE when they hear them.  Check 'em out . . .

 1.  Squirt, 55% of people cringe.

 2.  Moist, 51%.

 3.  Squelch, 45%.

 4.  Secrete, 43%.

 5.  TIE:  Panties, 35% . . . and defecate, 35%.

 6.  Flaccid, 33%.

 7.  Yeast, 31%.

 8.  Chunk, 29%.

 9.  Orifice, 28%.

 10.  Coagulate, 26%.

 11.  Ointment, 25%.

 12.  Crevice, 18%. 




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