Steve-O's Wknd in Five Pics: The Impossible Happened, We Got a Foul Ball!

The weekend started on Friday with two friends, Jason and Katie, went to a Lulu Lemon party at a place called Mash in Eagan.  Mash is a baseball training facility so this was perfect because I was invited to participate in the HR derby they do before the Twin game on Saturday so I got a warm-up.  (Side note, if you saw my insta-story then you know that Katie may be the worst pitcher I've ever seen in my entire life.)

Saturday was a cloudy, gloomy day but that afternoon we got to go down to Target Field where I was pitched a bunch of softballs that I was supposed to hit from behind second plate over the fence.  I was 0 - 7, close but no cigar but afternoon guy/former college baseball player was a slugger and cracked 3 - 7 with one going to the top deck bar in center field at Target Field.  

We then went and paid a ridiculous amount of money on food and went to our seats, they were good but not amazing seats right in the Delta 360 club area.  The game started with the Toronto Blue Jays smacking a home run so Zach, who was right in front of us, got up to get some food.  It was the second inning and SOMEHTING THAT'S NEVER HAPPENED TO ME IN MY ENTIRE LIFE actually happened, a foul ball was rocketing towards my six year-old son, Isaac.  I'm known for my lighting fast reflexes so while i didn't catch the ball I got a hand on it before it hit my son.  if Zach was there, he would have totally had it but my cheetah like reflexes helped us nab our very first official foul ball...easily the highlight of our day. 

Zach came back an inning later and Isaac let him hold the ball, Zach was in awe but reluctantly gave it back a bit later.  

Lastly, my kids have spirit week next week and he has to get dressed up for spirit week and this is what he came up with for 80s, did he miss the mark?  LOL!  

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