The Type of Sex Couples Have In Their 30's

You still have a sex life, it’s just not like it was when you were younger and had no kids. These are the kinds of sex you can expect to have as a couple in your 30s. Cosmo put together a pretty accurate rundown that pretty much covers it all, are we missing anything?  

  • Regular sex - When you’re in a long-term relationship, you tend to fall into a routine, but that’s not a bad thing. At least you both like what you’re doing and you’re actually doing it!
  • We still have fun sex - This is when you do it on the kitchen counter or in the shower, or anywhere different and exciting, proving you can still pull off not-totally-vanilla sex.
  • Baby-making sex - There comes a time when you want to be parents and while it’s similar, having “trying to make a baby sex” is not the same as recreational sex, what with the charts, schedules, and all.
  • Pregnant sex - Once you reach that baby-making goal, you have nine-plus long months to get used to pregnancy sex and all the new and unique challenges it brings.
  • Post-baby sex - And then comes this “getting back to normal” sex, which all takes a little getting used to again.
  • Sexual reawakening sex - When you’ve reached your 30s, you know things can ebb and flow in your sex life, and when you’re coming off a dry spell, this sex is amazing.
  • Adult vacation sex - If you’re lucky enough to get away without those babies you made, that trip is all about vacation sex. And that makes for a great getaway.
  • The kids are at Grandma’s sex - While your parents are filling your little ones with candy and every treat they ask for, you and your S.O. are at home getting it on while you can.
  • "We've got about 15 minutes to kill in between all the things we have planned today" sex - Your schedules are packed all the time, so when you find a free minute for some intimacy, take advantage of it!
  • Woke up before the alarm sex - This is more “found time” and there’s no better way to spend it, since you’re already in bed and everything.

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