Dave's Weekend in Five Pictures Jan 12-15

Wow!  What a weekend!  I know most of us will remember one big thing from this weekend and that was the big Vikings win, and specifically that one amazing catch to win a game that seemed to be over. To go from heartbreak and frustration to excitement and elation in the span of 10 seconds was just amazing! 

I'm so glad Vikings fans are getting to experience this.  I'm a Broncos fan at heart and seeing your team go all the way (like I hope the Vikings do) is something I'd love for Vikings fans to experience for themselves.  There's nothing like it.

Now, on to those five pictures!

My son Chase, is from Phoenix but he moved to my hometown, Colorado Springs, last September to be a reporter and anchor for the big ABC station there. It's so cool to have my son working in my hometown!

When he moved there, I told him about a herd of antelope that was losing it's habitat to development. When I was a kid, we'd see this herd maybe once or twice a year because they had SO much land to live on. But with development, I see them every time I drive on a certain road.  I suggested he do a story on them and last week, while I was there, he did.

This is Chase setting up to record video of the herd.

Before he got there, I told him I'd help him find the herd and would get video on my phone if I could get close enough. I admit it, I trespassed and got close enough to the herd to get this video. But he got way better video and his story was amazing.  I'll post his entire story and video tomorrow.

This is the house I grew up in outside Colorado Springs.  It was full of second-hand, mismatched and bargain furniture and it was kind of ugly.  So I spent the weekend cutting down trees and building this and I think it turned out pretty well.

You KNOW I'm full of $%&#, right?  I did have to assemble some of this and I hung the snowshoes and skis on the wall to give it a more cabin-y feel.

I went hiking to a spot called St. Mary's Falls outside Colorado Springs. It's a beautiful hike and even though the waterfall was completely frozen, it was totally worth it.  I can't wait to go back in the summer!

And finally, I drove from my house to the Denver airport and gave myself plenty of time but didn't plan for a rubbernecker backup on the way to Denver. That's a backup where your side of the road isn't even blocked but everyone slows down to look at the accident on the other side of the road.

It made me late enough I had to run for probably 15 minutes (at least it felt like it!) to make my plane and barely made it on time.

Hope you had a great weekend! Go Vikes!

Thanks for looking at my blog!


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