Sota Pop might just be the coolest part of Super Bowl Live!

I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm obsessed with Minnesota. Not only am I not ashamed of it, I'm ready to scream it from the freak'n rooftops. I LOVE MINNESOTA!! If you, like me, are #MN4Lyfe you HAVE to check out Sota Pop!

Sota Pop is an interactive pop-up experience on Nicollet Mall during the Super Bowl live festivities. It's basically an Instagram pic PARADISE. If you're looking for your next gram, look no further! A few local artists created rooms full of #OnlyInMN photo ops. Did I mention it's free???

Congrats to my insanely talented friend, Anna, who is just one of the many MN artists who helped create this insane space! She designed the A-Dorable Babe in the picture above!!RUN don't walk to Sota Pop before the exhibit ends!! 

Follow me on instagram -> @tinarange

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