Steve-O's Weekend in Five Pictures: Do you call them Pull Tabs or Rippers?

Each week I share five pictures of things that I saw or experienced over the weekend and maybe because the fall is packed with some I'm really disappointed in the lack of stuff I've done over the last two weekends. My weekend started on Friday when I got home and I made homemade pizza and Kristy and I started watching the final season of Grace and Frankie. Here's something strange, my wife Kristy has no problem not binging shows, she can get up and walk away even with a cliff hanger.  This is a skill I do not have.  It's foreign to me. 

Went out with friends on Saturday night to Bunnies in St Louis Park.  We had a minor disagreement regarding the proper name of pull tabs.  Are they pull tabs, rippers? My friend Mike is the one that bought em on Saturday night and we were giant losers but I'm sure the St. Louis Park hockey team appreciates our support. 

Went to the dog park in Maple Grove on Sunday, it was cold, there was ice everywhere but the dogs loved it and there's one part of the trail that's my favorite part of the entire walk. This stretch right here, no matter the season to me is perfect.  It feels as if you're on some sort of magical trail. 

The final picture, peaked out the window to see the super blood wolf moon (also a great name for a band) last night. The sky was perfectly clear and the eclipse was pretty incredible to see. 

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