Steve-O's Wknd in Five Pictures: All Alone All Weekend

I was riding solo this weekend. Kristy took the kids on Friday to New York for Grandpa's 70th birthday party which meant I was left at home alone with the dogs and a to do list. (Tasks on the to do list are getting done but I'm way behind.)

After taking the kids to the airport I ran some errands and saw a food truck serving Mexican food and it was SO FREAKIN GOOD. I had tacos and tamales and they were AMAZING! If you ever see the Delicias Tacos food truck, do yourself a favor and stop.

Saturday was my day to get stuff done, I did an okay job getting stuff around the house that needed to get finished but I made one major mistake, I didn't eat. I got to the end of the day and everything we had the house would take to long to eat so I waited until I met some friends out for drinks and ordered food, this was at 8pm at night.

Fast forward a few hours and we end up at the Stantion which is the kind of bar that doesn't actually have a parking lot, it's more a mud pit next surrounded by a bunch of farms but it ended up being a lot of fun. Here's my friend Joe at the bar, we made it until nearly midnight which is when the beer hit me and it was time to take an Uber home.

I woke up Sunday morning and let's just say it was rough. Have you ever woken up in the morning and thought, "oh god, what was I thinking??" Yeah, that was me this morning. After spending way to much time recovering one of the productive things I did was plant some seeds for our gardens this summer, I keep wanting to have really good landscaping and a guy at the store said these Jiffy planters are a good way to get stuff going.

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