Steve-O's Wknd in Eight Pics: Because It's My Birthday, Five Isn't Enough

It was my birthday weekend, I turned a year older on Sunday and the fun began on Friday when the morning show threw me a party which included the a unique birthday cake, it wasn't actually a cake, it was birthday garlic chicken and cauliflower. They were mocking me for bringing in stinky food to work but the jokes on them because it was actually delicious.

After the show on Saturday I went to the Pinners Conference at the MPLS Convention center and took a class in brush handwriting and within and hour I was actually able to do this.

Friday evening I went to the school carnival that they do at our kids school every year, it was rainy so a lot of the outside activities didn't happen there are still tons of games and activities inside, Isaac was all about winning the blow up donuts so he could wear all of them at the same time. He was doing it just so he could get a laugh which is EXACTLY the sort of thing I would do.

Saturday during the day we ended up sitting outside to watch Isaac's soccer team play, it was his first tournament of the year. After soccer was done we went out with friends for dinner, did sushi at Crave and then Top Golf with friends.

Sunday morning Isaac had more soccer so we stood in the rain and watched him play. He isn't the biggest kid on the team but he puts in so much effort.

Celebrated my birthday by just being outside in the sun because it was way better then it was predicted, we were actually surprised. No one could agree on what to do so we ended up going outside for a long walk which ended up being really great. Kristy also used it as an opportunity to go to the nursery and buy lilac bushes for the house.

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