Dave's Weekend in 5 Pictures: Can You Identify This Twin Cities Landmark?

What? The weekend is over already? Dang! Okay, let's look back on it in my weekend in five pictures!

This was actually Friday right after the show. Our friends from a movie promotion team came by with the most freakin' realistic rabbit costume ever. It was crazy! Falen was getting the rabbit to do the running man and this is them looking at the video afterward. The girl in the rabbit costume was laughing but you'd never know it.

I took my girl to the dog park in Chanhassen on Sunday and took some pictures but you can imagine what they look like. Dirty snow, dogs' butts. Just not very photogenic. So I'm posting this cute one of her because she's my buddy and I love her!

I got on the treadmill Saturday and I didn't want to get off! I did 7.3 miles at 4 mph which isn't fast but keeps my heartrate right where it should be. I watched a documentary about Woodstock and it amazed me that the things college-age people complained about then, racism, sexism, rich old white people ruining everything, are the exact same things that frustrate college-age people now.

Sunday, I had to get out and do something so I went flying at Crystal Airport. As you know it was absolutely beautiful!

Can you recognize this Twin Cities landmark? I'll give you a clue. It's in the southwest part of town, obviously kind of out in the country. It's an especially popular place during fall and Christmas. And spring. And summer. And well, I guess pretty much year around!

If you want to take a guess, text me at KDWB1 or 53921. I'll hit you back and let you know if you got it.

That's all for now! Have a great week! As always, thanks for looking at my blog!


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