If You're Working From Home Here's Three Ways to Set Boundaries

Here is a newsflash to everyone that’s been working from home for the past few months and still thinks they’ll be back in the office in no time: that remote work-life is here to stay. It’s time to lean in and make adjustments to keep your productivity up. Here are three simple things you can do to set boundaries

  • Shut the Door. When you used to go to the office, your body naturally clicked into work mode. When you’re working at home, that won’t happen unless you make it happen. That means creating a dedicated workspace in your home where your brain can focus. And just a suggestion, make that work area one where you can close the door behind you. That will help literally separate your work and life stuff.
  • Chunk Your Time. The nine to five work schedule is so 2019. In 2020, it’s not about when you get something done, just that you get it done. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to break your day into chunks of time. In the morning, factor in an hour of work and a half-hour of dealing with roommate drama. Set a portion of your afternoon aside for meetings and some for calling in to check on your fam. Those are just some examples but essentially it’s all about prioritizing and knowing that life is going to sneak into your work.
  • Plan When to Quit. There’s always work to be done but if you don’t set limits on yourself, you’ll never be done for the day. So pick a time and stick to it. No ‘just one more thing’ or ‘let me just answer this email.’ When you hit your quitting time, stop your work, and stop thinking about it.Spoiler: It will be there and then some in the morning.

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