The Ten Most Common "Social Media Sins" We Commit Online

Have you ever gotten into a fight with a CELEBRITY online? One in five Americans claim they have. Someone polled 3,000 people to find the most common "social media sins" we commit online. Here are the top ten . . .


1. Arguing with random people . . . 38% have done it.


2. Posting something when you were angry, then regretting it . . . 29%.


3. Sending "sexually provocative" messages . . . 23%.


4. Posting something you regretted while DRUNK . . . 22%.


5. Leaving mean or abusive comments on someone's post . . . 22%.


6. Posting a photo or video of someone without their permission . . . 20%.


7. Sexting someone nude images . . . 20% said they've done it.


8. Posting "revealing images or videos" of yourself . . . 19%.


9. Arguing with a celebrity on social media . . . 19% claim they have.


10. Catfishing people, or pretending to be someone else . . .17%. 



(NY Post)

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