More Than 40% of Young Adults Think Marriage Is an Outdated Tradition

According to U.S. Census Bureau statistics, 34% of people 15 years old and older have never been married. That's up from about 23% in 1950.


Of course, that was a different time. Now, it's considered VERY young to get married in your teenage years . . . and apparently, a lot of Gen Z and Millennials don't have it on their radar at all.


In a new survey, more than 40% of young adults . . . up through age 40 . . . say they believe marriage is an "outdated tradition." That includes 41% of young men, and 52% of young women.


73% of them say weddings are too expensive these days, and 85% don't think they're necessary to have a fulfilled and committed relationship.


That said, marriages aren't being written off completely. 83% say they hope to marry someday . . . down the road.


38% of young adults say they've felt "judged" for not being married yet . . . and 25% have felt judged for moving in with their partner. The most common source of that judgment is: Mothers. Especially for young women.


68% of young adults think it's "intrusive" to ask about people's marriage plans.  


And while 47% of young adults say they're afraid of potentially getting divorced, they aren't afraid of WORKING ON relationships.


87% say they'd be fine with going to couples counseling . . . 42% say couples therapy is "important" for a strong relationship . . . and 74% feel like individual therapy can help with romantic relationships.


There's also a list of the most "marriage-averse cities," with the most UNMARRIED couples living together.


Toledo, Ohio is #1, followed by Seattle . . . Spokane, Washington . . . Portland, Oregon . . . Minneapolis . . . Cleveland . . . Milwaukee . . . Madison, Wisconsin . . . Reno, Nevada . . . and St. Petersburg, Florida.



(Thriving Center of Psychology)

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