Actual Advice from a Dentist: Eat All Your Halloween Candy in One Sitting

Here's some advice your kids can get on board with: An actual dentist just said that if you want to protect your teeth, it's best to eat all of your Halloween candy in ONE SITTING.

Her name is Dr. Olivia Mason. She runs a place near Wheeling, West Virginia called Almost Heaven Family Dentistry. She gave the unexpected advice in an interview with her local news.

Technically speaking, she said eating all your candy at once is better for your teeth than having a few pieces a day for the next few weeks. So if your kids ate their entire haul last night, they did it right.  


She conceded there's a pretty big trade-off though. It's not easy on your stomach.

She says the worst candy for your teeth is anything sticky or chewy, like Starburst or Jolly Ranchers. The sugar in chocolate isn't great either. But it melts, and it's also easier to brush away. 




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